Tart Thoughts Episodes

Tart Thoughts: Linda Hengerer and/or Suzanne Fox discuss wonderful writing and what writers can learn from the masters.
Oct. 26, 2024

5-Minute Drill: Set Pieces

What is a set piece and where can I get one?
Oct. 26, 2024

5-Minute Drill: Setting

What do writers need to consider about Setting for their story?
Oct. 26, 2024

Mary Stewart's The Ivy Tree

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book The Ivy Tree and how she uses Brat Farrar, Josephine Tey’s fictional take on a real-life situation, to guide the reader in one direction before taking them somewhere else.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 26, 2024

Russia Week - Dick Francis's Trial Run

Linda Hengerer talks about Dick Francis’s book Trial Run, and how he uses setting to emphasize the story, shows how societal expectations affect actions, and how to build characters for story.
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's Thunder on the Right

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book Thunder on the Right and how she uses omniscient point of view, how her protagonist differs from her usual protagonist, and why we think this might have been the first book Mary Stewart wrote.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's The Moon-Spinners

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book The Moon-Spinners how she uses setting, shows family love and loyalties, and how her characters answer a call to adventure.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's Airs Above the Ground

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book Airs Above the Ground and how she uses unusual settings, creates vivid animal characters, and shows relationship dynamics.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's My Brother Michael

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book My Brother Michael and how she uses setting, incorporates both ancient and recent history, and how her characters answer a call to adventure.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's This Rough Magic

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book This Rough Magic and how she uses a dolphin as both needing rescue and being the rescuer, and plays characters off each other who are at the beginning and end of their respective careers.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's Nine Coaches Waiting

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book Nine Coaches Waiting and how she and develops her characters and uses genre.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's Madam, Will You Talk?

Linda Hengerer and Suzanne Fox are discussing Mary Stewart’s book Madam, Will You Talk?, and how she uses POV (Point of View) and Backstory in this twisted tale of murder, betrayal, and love.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Oct. 25, 2024

Mary Stewart's Wildfire at Midnight

Suzanne Fox and Linda Hengerer are discussing Mary Stewart’s book Wildfire at Midnight and how she uses setting, genre, and plot in this story about mountain worship taken to the extreme.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
Aug. 26, 2021

5-Minute Drill: Set Pieces

What is a set piece, and how do I use it in a story?
Aug. 21, 2021

5-Minute Drill: Setting

What elements of setting do writers need to consider for their story?
Aug. 7, 2021

Russia Week - Dick Francis's Trial Run

What can writers learn from a Grand Master of the genre about secrets, societal expectations, setting, and building characters for story?