Season 3 Episodes

Season 3 Episodes
Aug. 2, 2021

Russia Week - Encore: Emilya Naymark

The first of a theme week for the Tart Words podcast is an encore presentation of Emilya Naymark's podcast episode.
July 29, 2021

Tart Bites: Honey for Cheese (and Crackers)

What happens when you drizzle honey over cheese and crackers? Magic.
July 29, 2021

Mary Stewart's The Ivy Tree

What can writers learn about secrets, family dynamics, writing fiction from real life, and creating characters who serve the story from Mary Stewart's The Ivy Tree?
Guest: Suzanne Fox
July 25, 2021

Neil Plakcy

Linda Hengerer and Neil Plakcy talk about writing, Neil's many writing projects, and his writing process.
July 25, 2021

Tart Bites: S'mores Coffee Break

How do you make S'mores without a grill? S'mores are the iconic campfire or grilling dessert. Toasted marshmallows are sandwiched with chocolate bars between graham crackers. Does summer get any better than that?
July 25, 2021

Mary Stewart's Thunder on the Right

Linda Hengerer and Suzanne Fox discuss Mary Stewart's Thunder on the Right, point of view, an unworldly protagonist, and why they don't enjoy this book as much as other novels she wrote.
Guest: Suzanne Fox
July 18, 2021

Alan Orloff

Linda Hengerer and Alan Orloff talk about how real-life informed the writing of his latest novel, I Play One on TV; writing; SleuthFest and Bouchercon; Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America; and what networking with other writers helps your own writing.
Guest: Alan Orloff
July 12, 2021

Raquel V. Reyes

Linda Gordon Hengerer and Raquel V. Reyes talk about Raquel's first novel in her Caribbean Kitchen Mystery series, Mango, Mambo, and Murder; discuss writing process; SleuthFest; and how Raquel's miniatures help her writing.